Wednesday, July 30, 2008

"Movies and Me"

So last night Kenny and I were able to sit down and watch a movie for the second night in a row. Until night before last it was all we were able to do just to keep up with the Tour d' France. (Kenny's an avid cyclist--mountain and road--so the tour is a big event in our home.) I love watching movies at home, the theaters are too loud although I have to admit some flicks are best seen on the big screen.
My son Justin was always my movie buddy, maybe sub conciously that's one reason I haven't made time to watch movies lately. Last Christmas both Ken and Tiffany had to work Christmas day so we celebrated the weekend before. Christmas morning Justin and I looked all over town for a resaurant that was open. Did you know that even Denny's (at least here in CdA) is not open on Christmas morning? Surprise to me! We did find an open restaurant FULL of people. Anyway...afterwards we went to see a movie. I can't remember which one, but I thoroughly ejoyed the event.
When the kids were little, Ken worked nights so every other Saturday night was movie night, sometimes mixed with a sleepover. We'd spread blankets on the living room floor and watch movies all night. We'd have Star War marathons, Disney classic marathons, The Gods Must Be Crazy marathons, and Home Alone marathons at Christmas time. (Sometime I'll have to do a blog on Christmas--I'm affectionately known as the "Christmas Queen".)
Movies have always had a place in our home. I LOVE cartoons--everything from what they now are calling "vintage" Warner Bros. to Disney movies. But we were very careful about what our kids watched; Kenny was adamant about the ratings and even then we screened them first, I was careful about violence. (Justin would mimic anything he saw and Tiff would get night mares.) One night after spending a weekend at my parents', a place I never worried about what my kids would be watching, they came home with night mares of flying monkeys. Come to find out a family with older children had visited my parents and ended up watching The Wizard of Oz, another of my favorites. To this day Justin doesn't like that movie.
I'm not sure where I'm going with this! I could get on a soap box about how parents in general don't censor enough what their children are watching. But...nah. There are too many happy memories of mine tied in with movie watching.
How does this fit in with my current stage of life? I'm not sure. Kenny's not much of a movie person, my friends are more up and moving type people. Maybe I'll just have to everyonce in a while pull out the movie file from my brain and revel in the warm fuzzies! And that is NOT a bad thing...ahhhh, memories!


Anonymous said...

All of my kids would love to take turns being your movie buddy. I would even enjoy going with you. Of course you may get tired of us after spending all day here. T

onmyownmom said...

Wish I was closer I would love to be your movie buddy. Mine like yours have left home. Watching movies alone just isn't the same. Oh well books are better right?